Find all Delicio Recipes you require to conquer the Kitchen
At Delicio
At Delicio we strive to make everyday cooking convenient and more enjoyable for you. Our passion is producing real food made for everyday cooking – made by real chefs!
Our range of carefully prepared condiments make an amazing difference to any meal. Adding flavor and aroma and delivering a taste that the entire family will love.
The great thing about our products is they always taste fresh – so you can be sure of the very best taste when you are preparing a family meal whether it is a delicious dressed salad, a tasty Shawarma or an authentic Italian meal using our delicious range of Pasta Sauces. It is real food for everyday cooking – made by real chefs!

In addition, our range of cooking sauces help you make a convenient meal when you are busy,
- Recipes prepared by real chefs and produced in two factories in the Middle East
- Bringing you cosmopolitan flair as well as tried and trusted varieties
- Carefully prepared and processed
- Made with minimal additives
- Pre-packed in convenient – to – use containers
- Pretested with people just like you in the GCC region before we produce anything
Into Supermarkets
From the factories, we then ship your Delicio condiments throughout the GCC region and beyond to household name supermarkets, smaller stores such as Mini Markets and other retailers.
Our dedicated logistics, merchandisers, distributors and supermarket partners work with us closely to ensure consumers in the region can have access to our premium range of condiments and cooking sauces wherever they choose to do their family shopping.

To your Plates
The great thing about our products is they always taste fresh – so you can be sure of the very best taste when you are preparing a family meal whether it is a delicious dressed salad, a tasty Shawarma or an authentic Italian meal using our delicious range of Pasta Sauces. It is real food for everyday cooking – made by real chefs!